The 10 Most Google Searched Books

The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2015 : 1 . The Bible
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2015 : 2 . Fifty Shades of Grey
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2015 : 3 . Quran
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2015 : 4 . Sword Art Online
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2015 : 5 . To Kill a Mockingbird
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2015 : 6 . Divergent
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2015 : 7 . Cinderella
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2015 : 8 . The Great Gatsby
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2015 : 9 . The Martian
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2015 : 10 . The Lord of the Rings

The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2014 : 1 . The Bible
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2014 : 2 . The Fault in Our Stars
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2014 : 3 . Divergent
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2014 : 4 . Fifty Shades of Grey
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2014 : 5 . The Great Gatsby
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2014 : 6 . The Hunger Games
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2014 : 7 . Sword Art Online
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2014 : 8 . Quran
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2014 : 9 . The Lord of the Rings
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2014 : 10 . Gone Girl

The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2013 : 1 . The Bible
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2013 : 2 . The Hunger Games
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2013 : 3 . The Great Gatsby
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2013 : 4 . Fifty Shades of Grey
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2013 : 5 . The Lord of the Rings
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2013 : 6 . Romeo and Juliet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2013 : 7 . Quran
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2013 : 8 . The 85 Ways to Tie a Tie
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2013 : 9 . To Kill a Mockingbird
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2013 : 10 . 1984

The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2012 : 1 . The Bible
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2012 : 2 . Fifty Shades of Grey
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2012 : 3 . The Hunger Games
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2012 : 4 . The Lord of the Rings
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2012 : 5 . The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2012 : 6 . 1984
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2012 : 7 . The Great Gatsby
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2012 : 8 . Quran
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2012 : 9 . Romeo and Juliet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2012 : 10 . To Kill a Mockingbird

The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2011 : 1 . The Bible
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2011 : 2 . The Lord of the Rings
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2011 : 3 . 1984
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2011 : 4 . The Hunger Games
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2011 : 5 . Romeo and Juliet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2011 : 6 . Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2011 : 7 . Quran
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2011 : 8 . The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2011 : 9 . I Am Number Four
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2011 : 10 . To Kill a Mockingbird

The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2010 : 1 . The Bible
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2010 : 2 . Quran
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2010 : 3 . Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2010 : 4 . The Lord of the Rings
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2010 : 5 . 1984
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2010 : 6 . Romeo and Juliet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2010 : 7 . Kama Sutra
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2010 : 8 . Eat, Pray, Love
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2010 : 9 . To Kill a Mockingbird
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2010 : 10 . Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2009 : 1 . The Bible
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2009 : 2 . The Lord of the Rings
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2009 : 3 . 1984
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2009 : 4 . Romeo and Juliet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2009 : 5 . Midnight Sun
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2009 : 6 . Kama Sutra
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2009 : 7 . Quran
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2009 : 8 . Hamlet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2009 : 9 . Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2009 : 10 . To Kill a Mockingbird

The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2008 : 1 . The Bible
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2008 : 2 . The Lord of the Rings
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2008 : 3 . Romeo and Juliet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2008 : 4 . 1984
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2008 : 5 . Quran
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2008 : 6 . Hamlet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2008 : 7 . Kama Sutra
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2008 : 8 . To Kill a Mockingbird
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2008 : 9 . Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2008 : 10 . Macbeth

The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2007 : 1 . The Bible
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2007 : 2 . The Lord of the Rings
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2007 : 3 . Romeo and Juliet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2007 : 4 . 1984
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2007 : 5 . Kama Sutra
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2007 : 6 . To Kill a Mockingbird
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2007 : 7 . Hamlet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2007 : 8 . Quran
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2007 : 9 . Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2007 : 10 . Eragon

The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2006 : 1 . The Bible
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2006 : 2 . The Da Vinci Code
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2006 : 3 . The Lord of the Rings
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2006 : 4 . Romeo and Juliet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2006 : 5 . Eragon
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2006 : 6 . 1984
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2006 : 7 . Kama Sutra
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2006 : 8 . To Kill a Mockingbird
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2006 : 9 . Hamlet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2006 : 10 . Quran

The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2005 : 1 . The Bible
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2005 : 2 . The Lord of the Rings
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2005 : 3 . Romeo and Juliet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2005 : 4 . The War of the Worlds
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2005 : 5 . 1984
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2005 : 6 . Kama Sutra
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2005 : 7 . The Da Vinci Code
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2005 : 8 . Hamlet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2005 : 9 . To Kill a Mockingbird
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2005 : 10 . Quran

The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2004 : 1 . The Bible
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2004 : 2 . The Lord of the Rings
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2004 : 3 . The Da Vinci Code
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2004 : 4 . 1984
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2004 : 5 . Romeo and Juliet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2004 : 6 . Kama Sutra
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2004 : 7 . Hamlet
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2004 : 8 . To Kill a Mockingbird
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2004 : 9 . Quran
The 10 Most Google Searched Books in 2004 : 10 . The World Factbook