The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2015 : 2 . Game of Thrones
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2015 : 3 . SpongeBob SquarePants
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2015 : 4 . Saturday Night Live
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2015 : 5 . 19 Kids and Counting
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2015 : 6 . Dancing with the Stars
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2015 : 7 . The Voice
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2015 : 8 . American Horror Story
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2015 : 9 . Dragon Ball Z
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2015 : 10 . Pretty Little Liars
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2014 : 1 . Game of Thrones
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2014 : 2 . The Walking Dead
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2014 : 3 . Keeping Up with the Kardashians
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2014 : 4 . Saturday Night Live
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2014 : 5 . SpongeBob SquarePants
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2014 : 6 . American Horror Story
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2014 : 7 . South Park
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2014 : 8 . Dancing with the Stars
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2014 : 9 . Sons of Anarchy
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2014 : 10 . Orange Is the New Black
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2013 : 1 . Breaking Bad
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2013 : 2 . Game of Thrones
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2013 : 3 . The Walking Dead
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2013 : 4 . Saturday Night Live
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2013 : 5 . Doctor Who
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2013 : 6 . SpongeBob SquarePants
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2013 : 7 . Duck Dynasty
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2013 : 8 . Glee
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2013 : 9 . Family Guy
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2013 : 10 . The Big Bang Theory
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2012 : 1 . The Walking Dead
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2012 : 2 . Saturday Night Live
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2012 : 3 . American Idol
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2012 : 4 . Glee
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2012 : 5 . Game of Thrones
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2012 : 6 . How I Met Your Mother
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2012 : 7 . The Big Bang Theory
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2012 : 8 . Family Guy
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2012 : 9 . South Park
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2012 : 10 . SpongeBob SquarePants
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2011 : 1 . Glee
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2011 : 2 . American Idol
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2011 : 3 . Jersey Shore
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2011 : 4 . South Park
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2011 : 5 . Dancing with the Stars
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2011 : 6 . Saturday Night Live
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2011 : 7 . Family Guy
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2011 : 8 . SpongeBob SquarePants
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2011 : 9 . True Blood
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2011 : 10 . The Office
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2010 : 1 . Glee
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2010 : 2 . American Idol
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2010 : 3 . South Park
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2010 : 4 . Dancing with the Stars
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2010 : 5 . Jersey Shore
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2010 : 6 . Family Guy
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2010 : 7 . Saturday Night Live
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2010 : 8 . Lost
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2010 : 9 . True Blood
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2010 : 10 . Ben 10
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2009 : 1 . American Idol
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2009 : 2 . Family Guy
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2009 : 3 . Saturday Night Live
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2009 : 4 . South Park
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2009 : 5 . The Office
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2009 : 6 . Dancing with the Stars
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2009 : 7 . True Blood
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2009 : 8 . Lost
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2009 : 9 . Gossip Girl
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2009 : 10 . Ben 10
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2008 : 1 . Saturday Night Live
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2008 : 2 . American Idol
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2008 : 3 . Family Guy
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2008 : 4 . South Park
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2008 : 5 . The Office
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2008 : 6 . Hannah Montana
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2008 : 7 . Gossip Girl
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2008 : 8 . Dancing with the Stars
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2008 : 9 . Lost
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2008 : 10 . One Tree Hill
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2007 : 1 . American Idol
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2007 : 2 . South Park
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2007 : 3 . Hannah Montana
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2007 : 4 . Dancing with the Stars
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2007 : 5 . The Office
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2007 : 6 . Family Guy
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2007 : 7 . The Simpsons
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2007 : 8 . Saturday Night Live
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2007 : 9 . Lost
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2007 : 10 . The Sopranos
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2006 : 1 . American Idol
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2006 : 2 . South Park
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2006 : 3 . Lost
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2006 : 4 . Family Guy
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2006 : 5 . Saturday Night Live
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2006 : 6 . Dancing with the Stars
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2006 : 7 . Deal or No Deal
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2006 : 8 . The Simpsons
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2006 : 9 . Project Runway
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2006 : 10 . The Office
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2005 : 1 . American Idol
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2005 : 2 . Family Guy
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2005 : 3 . The Simpsons
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2005 : 4 . South Park
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2005 : 5 . Lost
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2005 : 6 . Inuyasha
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2005 : 7 . Saturday Night Live
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2005 : 8 . The O.C.
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2005 : 9 . The Apprentice
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2005 : 10 . Today
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2004 : 1 . American Idol
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2004 : 2 . The Simpsons
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2004 : 3 . The Apprentice
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2004 : 4 . Inuyasha
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2004 : 5 . South Park
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2004 : 6 . Saturday Night Live
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2004 : 7 . SpongeBob SquarePants
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2004 : 8 . Family Guy
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2004 : 9 . The O.C.
The 10 Most Google Searched TV Shows in 2004 : 10 . Days of Our Lives